About Our ministry
The Gospel
We believe that all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). God, being perfect, cannot allow the imperfect sinner into His presence. However, being a loving God, He created a way to pay for the price of our sins. He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to earth where He suffered on the cross to bear the penalty for our sins. It's through faith in the shed blood of Christ that your sins can be forgiven; through Christ's death on the cross, God justifies you and saves you from the penalty of your sins (Romans 3:24-28). This complete salvation is bestowed as the free gift of God apart from man’s works (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Our Ministry
The goal of our ministry is to reach the lost souls of humanity with the gospel of the grace of God. Once someone believes the gospel, our next goal is to see them be edified and to learn God's word rightly divided (2 Timothy 2:15). While we are starting with a week-long summer camp at Kamp Kenwood in Chippewa Falls, our hope is to expand camp in future years.
God's Word
We believe that God's word is preserved perfectly for us through the King James Bible. All teaching will be done directly from God's word. We encourage all attendees to follow along in the King James Bible and we offer additional Bibles to those who arrive
without one.
Our Leadership
Our leadership is based off the doctrine provided to us in God's word (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, etc.). A group of elders have been identified based on the traits from the referenced passages. These men are tasked with ensuring that only sound doctrine is being taught, directly from God's word. Our leadership's goal is to build up the next generation with the understanding needed to continue the process of reaching individuals with the gospel as well as edifying fellow believers.
Grace Bible Camp - Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin 54729